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   Disaster Recovery

   One of FlexFile's advantages is that it is very robust against common
   disaster situations such as power loss.  Your DBV file may get damaged
   during such a calamity, however, the damage done is local to the write
   that was in progress when the interuption occurred.  That is, there is
   no immediate ripple effect from a damaged section of a DBV to non
   damaged sections.

   On the other hand, if your file gets damaged and you continue to use it,
   you CAN cause more damage.  Therefore, you should prepare your code for
   such an occurance (you can always rely on backups, but sometimes clients
   simply fail to do their job of backing up regularly).

   If V_REPLACE() or V_DELETE() return a logical value (as opposed to a
   character value) and/or V_ERROR() reports a 6200, 6500, 6700 or 9000
   class of error, the DBV file may be corrupt.  (Syntax errors in calling
   FlexFile functions can also cause these errors so check your syntax

   When you are certain that your syntax is not causing the problem, you
   should rebuild the DBV file.  Rebuilding is a simple process and is
   outlined by the following code.  The code is based on a DBF file called
   "dbf_file.dbf" which has a six byte character field (a FlexFile
   pointer-field) called <vlf>.  We then open the existing DBV and create a
   new DBV into which to copy the old data.  Finally, we erase the old DBV
   and rename the new one back to the old.

   Before any code such as this is implemented you should back up the files

   // Open the controlling DBF and the DBV (with an alias of "OLD")
   USE dbf_file
   V_USE( "dbv_file", "old" )

   // Open a new DBV to recieve the copyable data (with an alias of "NEW").
   V_USE( "tempdbv", "new" )


      IF V_TYPE( dbf_file->vlf, "old" ) == 'U'
         QOUT( "This record is damaged." )

      // If the type is Char, Num, Log, Date, or FlexFile array
      IF V_TYPE( dbf_file->vlf, "old" ) $ "CNLDAF"

         // Get the value from the DBV.
         var = V_RETRIEVE( dbf_file->vlf, "old" )

         // Write the value to the new DBV.
         dbf_file->vlf := V_REPLACE( var, space(6), "new" )




   FERASE( "dbv_file.dbv" )
   FRENAME( "tempdbv.dbv", "dbv_file.dbv" )

   The other form of "disaster" that is fairly common is to loose a DBF
   file that has pointer-fields into a DBV.  This is a very serious
   situation because there is nothing in the DBV which points back into the
   DBF.  However, there is a new function V_WALK_DBV() that allows the
   programmer to step from field to field through the DBV file.  The steps
   go from physical field to physical field and so the logical order of the
   file is lost.  However, in extreme situations this function may be
   helpful.  See V_WALK_DBV() for more information.

See Also: V_WALK_DBV()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson